It’s primary aim is to form the students for life-providing opportunities to the Children to develop them as whole persons.
Endowed with passion for Gospel values and strengthened by our RNDM spirituality we wish to offer a holistic education, to our students, in both formal and non-formal settings. To enable the young to acquire an integrated intellectual, moral and spiritual formation which should deepen their understanding and lead the students beyond racial, social, cultural and religious boundaries.
Instill in them a true love for our country, beauty, respect for creation and the environment to save the air, the earth, the rivers and the seas for their own selves and for their future generation where all can find a home in a more friendly condition and live life to the full.
The aim of founding the School is particularly for Indigenous Children of Sreemangal.
Faithful to our call to be an RNDM Earth Community. We will form faith-filled, enlightened and committed people for society through both formal and non-formal holistic education. Our education will emphasis:
# To help them to believe, trust and love Almighty God.
# To help them to be good citizen of the country and love the country.
# Enable them to become assent of our country.
Besides national objectives, As RNDM We teach them to –
# Learn discipline
# Acquire virtue and knowledge
# Humanitarian qualities
# Love for creation, respect for each other and the earth.
# Participate in the Co-curricular activities such as Sports, Girl Guides, Tree Plantation, Publishing wall Magazine, Arts and Crafts, Exhibition and Science Fair, Inter-class Debating etc.
# Strive to maintain the unique contribution of Catholic educational institutions, which includes holistic and value education.
Bangladesh is a country of religious pluralism like the other countries in the Indian Sub-Continent. Religion affects every sphere of life and action. We look at this phenomenon in its correct perspective. It is part and parcel of the plan of salvation. So, we enter into this reality of our country. Euphrasie Barbier our Foundress has gifted us with a valuable legacy of principles, policies and practices in education. It is Heritage we must explore, treasure and continue to develop. We strive to share our RNDM Charism and Spirituality with our colleagues, students and parents.